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Applying for a Small Business Export Loan

When applying for your Small Business Export Loan, it’s important that all the details you enter are accurate. Most application delays occur because of incorrect or incomplete information.

Below is an outline of a typical application process and the documentation you are required to provide to support your application. You can submit your application and provide the supporting documentation at a later stage in your application process. 

If you have any questions or would like to talk to a Small Business Export Loan expert, get in touch today.

Our application process

2 minutes Create an account.
20 minutes Complete application.
Choose your preferred loan terms.
Review and submit application.
We will receive your application and contact you within one business day. 

Provide your supporting documents. 

Two weeks Approval process
*May vary based on additional information required.
72 hours Accept offer and funds are deposited into your designated account.

Documents required for your application

To ensure your loan is approved as quickly as possible, you will need to provide the following documentation with your loan application.

From your business
  • ID for every director/beneficial owner/person exercising management control/trustee:
    • Passport
    • Driver licence
    • Medicare card.
  • Accountant prepared financial statements for the last two financial years.
  • Last six months banks statements for the main trading account and the bank account to which the loan will be credited if this is different. 
  • Aged accounts receivable summary for your company. 
  • Financial Year-to-Date management accounts (P&L and balance sheet) if more than three months into the current financial year. 
  • Personal Statement of Assets and Liabilities for each director. Download the form here.
  • Most recent Tax statements from the ATO portal.
International purchase orders/international contracts
Purchase orders from Australia exporters/contracts with Australian exporters
The specific export contract[s] or purchase order[s].
Export market development

Export market development plan to demonstrate the purpose and use of funds. If you don’t have a plan prepared, you can refer to our template here.

If applicable, overview of existing export activities and evidence.

Equipment finance

Details of the relevant plant and/or equipment to be financed and supplier quotation or invoice.

Overview of existing export activities and evidence.

Working capital

An overview of the need for additional export-related funding.

Overview of existing export activities and evidence.

If you are an online business without contracts

Supplier invoices or other third-party documentation to confirm use of funds requested.

Overview of existing export activities and evidence.

If you are a tourism business without contracts

Evidence of sales to international customers.

If you are a trustee A copy of the signed trust deed documentation (if you are a trustee acting on behalf of a trust).
Tax obligations Written confirmation that your tax payments are up to date, or a copy of a payment plan approved by the ATO.
Superannuation payments Written confirmation that your superannuation payments are up to date.
If you are a third party applying on behalf of a business Signed letter of authority from the business. Download the form here.