New appointments to the Export Finance Australia board
Ms Karina Kwan and Mr Rahoul Chowdry appointed as Non-Executive Directors of the Board of Export Finance Australia (EFA).

Media release
Senator the Hon Don Farrell
Minister for Trade and Tourism Special Minister of State
30 August 2024
Today I am pleased to announce the appointments of Ms Karina Kwan and Mr Rahoul Chowdry as Non-Executive Directors of the Board of Export Finance Australia (EFA).
EFA supports Australian exporters and overseas investment, driving economic activity and creating jobs for Australians. It also provides financing for projects that support Australia’s economic resilience and security, and helps deepen our economic engagement in the Indo-Pacific region and beyond.
Both Ms Kwan and Mr Chowdry have significant corporate board and professional experience, a history of long-term engagement in our region, and will continue to uphold the disciplined and rigorous approach taken by Export Finance Australia and its Board.
In addition to the new appointments, I am very pleased to announce that current EFA Board Deputy Chair, Mr David Bennett, has also been reappointed to this role for a further three years.
I thank outgoing Non-Executive Director, Ms Jodie Baker, for her outstanding contribution over the last six years, including as Chair of EFA’s Board Audit and Risk Committee.
Media contact: Grace Finch 0422 859 471
Media contacts:
Grace Finch 0422 859 471
About Export Finance Australia (EFA):
EFA is Australia’s export credit agency. EFA provides commercial finance for export trade and overseas infrastructure development. From small and medium-sized enterprises to large corporates, foreign Governments and infrastructure projects, EFA helps Australian businesses take on the world. In doing so, EFA's finance supports Australia’s economic security and regional resilience.
EFA administers the Australian Government’s National Interest Account, which currently includes the Southeast Asia Investment Financing Facility, Critical Minerals Facility, the Defence Export Facility and lending for the Australian Infrastructure Financing Facility for the Pacific. EFA also provides support to other Commonwealth entities, including the National Reconstruction Fund Corporation, Housing Australia and the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility.