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Our community

Our business activities are of interest to a diverse group of individuals and larger communities.

This could include potential customers looking for information about how we could support their business or members of a community that may be affected by a project that we’re supporting.

We engage with these groups by providing information through a variety of media channels, participating in conferences and workshops and holding direct discussions.

We also facilitate formal engagement through the following mechanisms:

  • Transaction disclosure – we provide information on our transactions in a number of ways, including disclosing our proposed involvement in new projects with potentially significant adverse environmental and/or social impacts before making a decision. We also maintain a frequently updated register of signed transactions.
  • Complaint mechanism – we aim to resolve issues informally, but recognise that sometimes a more formal resolution method is required. We have established a complaints mechanism that enables anyone to submit a complaint.
  • Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) – our Innovate RAP describes our endeavours to build and maintain relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.