Business ethics
We practice responsible lending in an ethical context by conducting our operations fairly, transparently and with integrity. We believe the success of our business depends on our stakeholders’ trust and confidence in us. This trust can only be maintained if we act ethically.
Our commitment to ethical behaviour is demonstrated by our:
- Transparency: we aim for an appropriate balance between public accountability and our obligations to respect client confidentiality
- Anti-corruption initiatives: we foster awareness, among clients and staff, of the international conventions and Australian laws concerning this matter
- Governance Framework: we impose strong commercial discipline on our operations through our governance framework
- Human Rights Statement: we respect internationally recognised human rights and endeavours. We reflect that respect in our operations and governance processes
- Policy and Procedure for environmental and social review of transactions: we uphold best-practice environmental and social standards in the transactions we support
- Compliance Program: we are committed to meeting the highest standard of legal compliance across all of our activities, with the aim of ensuring a fair and compliant organisation
- Code of Conduct: we clearly state the obligations and responsibilities of our employees, including in relation to conflicts of interest, confidential information and standards of personal behaviour. We have additional staff policies that deal with insider trading and whistleblower protection.
- OECD Principles and Guidelines to Promote Sustainable Lending Practices in the Provision of Official Export Credits to Low Income Countries: we comply with international sustainable lending arrangements
- OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises: we encourage our clients to apply these voluntary principles and standards for responsible business conduct
- Specific due diligence processes for areas such as live animal exports and military transactions.